Sunday, January 31, 2010

crystal jade + bugis village

新年快到了,连我们家的贝多芬也都想吃pineapple tart...LOL!


可是。。。这个也在我们家待了10多年了,已经被马来西亚文化同化了嘛 :P

拍到这张照片是因为妈妈把这个原本在钢琴上的人头像拿下来,要清理一下,结果就被我拿来趁机恶作剧一下 XD


crystal jade的小笼包果然名不虚传,汤汁好棒



咪兔想不开 ><

超爱的red bean paste 锅贴!!

corn custard bun!! 最爱custard了

咪兔和我们都很开心 :)


把咪兔放在bag里面真的超可爱!以后我也要酱做 哈哈哈
和姐姐去bugis village逛了很久很久
在这里,在summer都可以穿 :)
我很少买紫色的衣服,这个尝试感觉不错 :)

2月了,实在不想倒数 :(

Monday, January 25, 2010



上上个拜六和姐姐一起去meet她的好朋友,边吃边拍 :P

gingerbread man 也有口渴的时候。

上个星期四与教会的秀芳传道一同到SAB中学跟中二的学生分享speech pathology还有我读书的点点滴滴,同学们很可爱而且相当配合,很棒的经验 :D

过后和传道一起到我中学最喜欢去的Hutan Bandar吃我最想念的roti prata和ais kacang!


atapchi!! yum yum ^^

上个星期六在vivocity看到FOCUS的朋友们,感觉很棒啊!i miss phyllis phyllis misses me too hehe~~

在那里买了$10 (没错,只有$10!!)的连身裙,超开心 :) 新年有衣服穿了,summer也可以穿 :D

可能因为流行floral pattern的季节要过去了,所以才会卖得那么便宜。不过美就好啦!


当然也不忘了拍我家的两个宝贝啦!brownie and bambi :)
拍了好几张,下次再dedicate一个post给它们啦 :)

昨天终于考到license了,明天我的教车uncle就会把我的P license pass给我!!兴奋兴奋
可是感谢神给我一个很有原则的driving instructor,很坚持不给自己的学生“包”,让我不至于做出不荣耀神的事情(也不用花那么多钱“包”!)
而且考过才知道,只要小心驾,考官一定不会刁难的哦 :)
继续努力继续加油 :) 喜欢在路上“翱翔”的感觉,不过不太可能有机会驾啦!毕业回来说不定要take refresher's course..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sultan Garden :)

ooooooooh it's time to blog again! or else i'd feel bad for neglecting my post.

just learned how to use photoshop thanks to my's always great to learn something new during the hols besides lazing around :P wanted to edit most of my photos before i update my post but there are just too many photos i want to share!

went to Sultan Garden few weeks ago and i brought my new love to take pictures + exploring its various settings :)

Sultan Garden is owned by the Sultan of Johor and it consists of several scattered buildings that sit just beside the garden (

my dad says the garden is at least 150 years old already! wooooot

the Sultan's Palace

took this photo in pinhole's like peeping the palace hehe

the pond that used to have a lot a lot of turtles in it..but now the turtles are being transferred to another relatively dry pond already.

here they are!! umm oops sorry for interrupting :P

haha i used Picnik to edit this photo (that was before i started using photoshop hee)

the beautiful japanese garden :) it used to have a lot of super fat fishes and i loved to feed them with stale cute larh!

beginner's fun using photoshop :P 放风筝的马来小孩

caught a glimpse into the private zoo owned by the Sultan.. a cow a cow!!!
super love this photo!

rawr ROARRR~~

weird tree, got 'tentacles' on it!

last one :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

原来ah bas蛀牙了


是在极度无聊的情况下心血来潮而拍下的 :P

某一天,Baski 说:“牙很痛啊!!”





故事讲完了。。。我知道我很lame ><

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010. food. randoms.

i think i'm enjoying my holiday more and more now! a bit reluctant to go back to aussie at the moment :P

This is Home, truly
Where I know I must be
Where my dreams wait for me

-Home, by Kit Chan

grasssssshopper on the living room window! a bit gross coz it's pretty huge!

thanks pastor xiu fang for these bookmarks! one for me and the other one for my sis

clever malaysian mozzies... can you see the large, medium and small mozzie bites? 大中小lol

yay durian! soooo happy you know i was craving for durian for over a week and tadahhh! so happy that i have to take a photo with my durian! papa is going to get more next week!

had great time in malaysia coz i get to satisfy all sorts of cravings towards all sorts of food...ahhh how can malaysian food be soooo yummy and cheap at the same time??
旺角茶餐廳 -- XO醬豬腸粉! chee cheong fun in XO sauce

凍奶茶! the best one i've had in year 2009!

and proudly present---the best fried rice i've ever had!! looks plain but it tasted FANTABULOUS! very very very tasty, and the mushroom+corn made a great combination! and it's not too oily, IM LOVIN' IT!

ohhhh and i've just had a very very satisfying meal at KFC!! woooh i love love love malaysia KFC! the chicken and cheesy wedges over here are so much tastier! for some reason aussie KFCs don't have cheesy wedges :P

yayyyyy i want to eat more eat more~ and do more exercise of course!!

current "ear-food" -- Lifehouse 'No Name Face'