Monday, September 28, 2009

yay mid semester break is here

and mid semester break is here. yay..
shamay shamay see see so many beautiful flowers! :) but blogspot somehow reduced the quality of this collage i made :(

looks like angpow/firecrackers when u see it from far..

my favourite berry-looking flower

la trobe is a beautiful uni indeed :D

went to chisholm admin office to change my blue wristband into this baby pink one!! they have heaps of them!

it's kinda cool to have this pink wristband as my room's electronic lock. can just wear it anywhere and just tap it on your door to open ur door :)

thanks caroline for this super yummy sticky chocolate cake! she's so gifted!

phyllis chan came to my room and used NoName (the grey bear) to bully my Momo! 挑拨离间!!!haha

but my floormate did something worse instead!! poooooor momo!

took these pictures in my hostel bathroom. bathroom art indeed :)

love these!

took these photos during class. lots of people brought snacks for us to eat during the group presentation!

this is an epic

cooked for FOCUS on friday! made vegetarian pasta and many people said it was nice! thank you phyllis for preparing together with me, and thank you siaw eng+phyllis for cutting the super hard pumpkin!


went dinner with church mates last night @ Rasa Cinta restaurant, a malaysian restaurant beside jade kingdom..despite having less customers compared to jade kingdom, Rasa Cinta serves realllly authentic malaysian cuisine and it was really yummy! Satisfied all my cravings and i'm all happy now :)


Bak Kut Teh with fritters ("you za kueh")

hainanese chicken rice!

Us! (from Wulan's camera)

Miki Dong dong dong plucked this heart-shaped leaf nice right?

till then! lots of assignments to do even though it's mid semester break :(

Friday, September 18, 2009


星期三 (16/9)

去上SDH (Social determinants of health), 那个aussie lecturer超好笑,lecture时问我和我一班朋友:

lecturer: So which country are you from?
我们:We're from Malaysia!
lecturer: Oh that's cool, MALAYSIA BOLEH!

笑死人,malaysia boleh 这个口号他都懂。

lecture hall 里面,由于我们是坐第一排,所以我们说话的时候,lecturer会看到,结果他说:


我的天呀!笑死人了!听到aussie 说马来话真的是很不可思议的!

上完lecture, 他就走过来跟我们5个马来西亚人讲话。。他很强,竟然连我的中学都有听过!不只这样,连怡保,penang和好多其他中学的名字他都知道!太吓人了,他对马来西亚的了解更胜于很多其他马来西亚人!问他怎么知道这么多,怎么会说马来文说得如此流利,是不是住过马来西亚,他偏偏死都不说,真是吊人胃口。

因为当我读INTI的时候,没有几个朋友(除了少数Johor人) 知道SSI是什么东西。更不用说是来到澳洲。所以发现,其实读过SSI,你也只能在johor里面风光风光,到了外面,你自己的人格,你的学习态度才是最重要的。10年后,不会有人问你你的UPSR, PMR ,SPM成绩拿几个A,真的。

后来去上了speech pathology discipline mentor session, 学到关于voice damage 和stutter(口吃) 的一些东西,还听了几个voice clips要我们判断那些人,哪一些是有voice disorders的。很有趣!

上完课和fake twin一起去art centre练歌,因为星期五要一起在FOCUS lead worship. 途中看到春天盛开的花花~

到处可以见到大大大大的花丛 =)


早上收到adam foster的email,说我这个星期天要在church当伴唱。很期待因为这是我第一次在这里的教会事奉(之前在city的那个church有在choir献唱过,不过现在已经换去比较靠近我学校的教会了)。

匆匆忙忙吃了早餐就去上IPB (Interprofessional Practice B) 的workshop。我的team从年头就只有3个人(2个aussie女生和我),因为不知道另外的2个teammate是不是dropout了。老师问过我们要不要跟别的组merge,怕我们做group assignment比较吃力,可是我们倒是觉得3个人也不错的。

结果早上收到danielle(其中一个teammate)的sms说她生病不能来,我心想:天啊,今天如果只有2个人一定很“凄凉”, panic 中。

后来去了workshop,我们的team竟然在team challenge quiz中获胜!就算只有2个人,我们依然还是赢了~或许人少也有好处,可以更专心讨论answers.

然后caz和我在quiz paper上面涂鸦。。。


caz: hey why is your shark trying to eat my shark? you're so mean!
我:nooo...they are actually mating, coz it's springtime (mating season)!
caz: but it seems that your shark is trying to eat mine!
我:(马上在鲨鱼头上画个heart shape)


老师:looks like the winning team is still very excited..



‘你的shark好像在咬她的shark的那個位置 = =

請問.. 咬掉了如何mate?’



早上奇迹般地醒来去上ESL,之后同phyllis 一起跟FOCUS leader Helen meet up,说到我们中午在路上的notice board张贴的event,题目:How Can We be Good Without God?

是secular society举办的,下个星期,eagle bar..觉得这个题目有点disturbing,因为就是很anti Christ嘛。。和Helen提到。。她说:"so do you think we can be good without God?"


所以这就变成我和Phyllis下个礼拜跟她meet up的时候要思考,准备和分享的东西。


meet up之后,和phyllis去northland 买菜。。经过一间叫aurora的饰品店,竟然有项链大clearance!一条才5 bucks! 很开心地买了一条。

后来傍晚就去FOCUS了。我和phyllis的worship leading很顺利,感谢主。

觉得上帝很bless FOCUS这个团契,每个礼拜都有差不多60个人来,当中international students占大多数。而且每个星期都有好多新朋友过来,真的很棒!自己也在慢慢学习,因为有时候自己看到很多新朋友的时候会有点overwhelming,不过发现如果先去5点prayer meeting的话,就会比较prepared地去FOCUS呢,跟新朋友讲话也变成一个很有趣的事,是by love而不是by obligation..所以昨天的FOCUS,我很enjoyed :)

晚上FOCUS回来,看到自己的kangaroo和bear bear.....



Monday, September 14, 2009

spring is here! + randoms

There's just so many random stuffs going on that I don't even feel like writing a post on my Mt Buller snow trip! super long overdue post..will post it someday when i seriously have no random stuffs to share!

Made curry laksa yesterday for my floormate and i ! it was really good..
i wish i can cook for my family and friends when i go back to malaysia!

不要用那种‘你会煮饭meh’ 的表情看我。。我可是做菜做了快9个月的哦!给我点信任嘛!(pardon me for being defensive again..)

Spring is here! it's so warm outside..everyone is thrilled over it but me...i prefer the super chilly winter!

But it's definitely mood-lifting to see all these colourful flowers on the way to uni!

had my favourite small cappuccino with 2 sugars while chillaxing by the lake..
p/s: phyllis, the lengzai made my coffee today!!!

went to Preston market to do the groceries with phyllis, marian and mirosha last saturday and it was fun! with lotsa crazy moments and lotsa fun! it was super warm (24 degree celcius) that day and i didn't like it...wondering how i'm going to survive the summer..or probably i'll get used to it soon? hopefully.
we saw this freakish leaf-looking creature on mirosha's totally freaked me out when it stopped on my hand! and they actually call this thing "EvyLeafyGreeny"...
worst of all it actually followed us into the tram! Throughout the whole journey i just kept staring at it..

Oh and i saw this really cutely trimmed plants on my way to the tram stop! To think they actually pasted fake eyes on them to make them looking like animals!

saw this in FOCUS house...HEAPS AND HEAPS of carrots and onions...

i was bored during ESL seminar...hee..

end of my random's time to do my work now!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009





这代表我住在chisholm 也已经快一年了。。。从开始的不适应,到现在每天放学都迫不及待想快点回去。。。


能够跟自己的fake twin phyllis住在一起当然一定会好玩。。而且知道明年有那么多bundy的members也会住在barnesway...知道明年会是我在aussie的另一个新篇章。。






Monday, September 7, 2009

recovering from conjunctivitis

decided to blog this in english because there are so many people i'd like to thank, and hopefully they will see this when they come across to my blog..

thank you everyone who are always by my side and constantly praying for my conjunctivitis+skin allergy condition. I think i'm gradually recovering from conjunctivitis! yay yay~ less itchy and my eyes are less reddish now =) no contact lens for the rest of september though...

WARNING: gross pictures regarding my conjunctivitis+skin allergy ahead..please make sure you're not eating while reading my blog..







my conjunctivitis was pretty serious last was super itchy and occasionally painful, with yellowish and sticky discharge that was constantly flowing out from my eyes, and i just couldn't stop tearing. was absent for most of the lectures coz bacterial conjunctivitis is highly contagious..went for some compulsory stuffs eg group meetings and group presentation, but it was super dreadful experience. got pretty depressed last week coz my skin and eyes were super itchy, and these distracted me from doing my work+hanging out with my friends.
it was pretty embarassing when you do your presentation in the class with super red+ swollen + teary eyes..maybe those people would think : wah this international student got bullied by her group members is it? so poor thing.. haha i'm just crapping..that's my favourite group okayyy :P
yeah so this is poor evelyn last week:

you can actually see the yellowish discharge on my left eye. looks pretty nasty isn't it?

reasons for having this dreadful conjunctivitis could be:
1) i scratched my body ( including my butt okay okay okay i know i'm unhygienic! i was NOT directly scratching my butt anyway zzz) during my sleep, and randomly rubbed my eyes and TADAHHH~~ hello to conjunctivitis. So make sure you dun simply scratch here scratch there then randomly rub your eyes okay! you'll never know what sorts of scary germs happily playing around and reproducing on your fingers!

2) as you all know, i wear contact lens pretty often...apparently the frequent putting on/taking off my contact lens action actually makes my eyes more sensitive coz it would more or less do a bit of "damage"(it's a big word u know, so have to put inverted commas) /scratching to my eyes, hence making it more vulnerable to germs and stuffs, despite being extra hygienic.

after visiting the doctor last week (wed), i went to the chemist (a.k.a. pharmacy in malaysia) to buy the medication prescribed by my doctor. however my condition didn't improve at all (by right i should be recovering in 5-7 days). so i heeded my mum's advice to contact auntie elizabeth (my dad's friend who is a nurse) on saturday and told her about my condition. She was so super nice you know, she gave me stronger medication (which are really specifically for bacterial conjunctivitis) on that day, plus saline solution for me to clean my eyes each time before i put my eye drops. She seriously saved me from being helpless and panic and depressed.

eye drops, eye ointment and saline solution. She gave me some of the curry puffs she made too!

so this is me on monday (yesterday) me rabbit tan! but looked MUCH better already.

and this is me TODAY!

oh and and and...chun chin and lawrence came to visit me on sweet of them! they gave me some really good stuffs as well.

she actually gave me some lemons she grow in her garden! (still thinking what to do with these lemons besides making honey lemon drink everyday, hehe)..she also bought me some oranges for me to replenish more vitamin C!

oatmeal! chun chin told me to bathe with oatmeal+water coz the sodium laureth sulphate in normal bathing gel may aggreviate my skin allergy condition. Did a bit of research online, apparently oatmeal bath is good for many kinds of skin problem eg eczema and psoriasis. it's soothing and itch relieving, honest!

and natural fruity gummies!! so nice! chun chin says :"this is good because it's made of real fruit juice, without any preservative." so happy *immediately grabbed one and chewing happily now*

Helen B. from FOCUS called me yesterday and asked whether i'm feeling better now and if i need any help just call her. I was really surprised and's great to know tt there are so many people concern me..thank you mirosha for calling me since saturday just to make sure i'm alright...thank you every every everyone that prayed for me, especially my parents back in malaysia who were very worried about my condition. thank you keene for listing me as a prayer item during CGF prayer meeting..thanks for remembering me in prayer even though i serve in a different church now. Thank you phyllis, marian, sarah, mary and ALLLL coursemates out there who cared so much for me and encouraged me when i was feeling down.


oh and most importantly, thank you Lord for guiding me and letting me know that i should not take things for granted. It's all by God's grace that we can wake up everyday and use our eyes to see things, it's all by God's grace that we can do all sorts of things. It's amazing to see how God works within us through hardships. When everything seems to be so hopeless, He actually made this an opportunity for me to rebuild a better relationship with Him..coz He's the only one i could depend on, and He's my source of comfort.

wow, it's really a long post and i guess i have to wrap it up soon. hope u guys can continue to pray for my skin's getting crazy since 3 days ago and i couldn't sleep well coz my whole body was itching.

my right leg. it's actually redder than what u see in the picture.

my super itchy right's also actually redder than it seemed. it's becoming red spots today..instead of a big red patch..

till then..

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

:( :(







