Monday, September 14, 2009

spring is here! + randoms

There's just so many random stuffs going on that I don't even feel like writing a post on my Mt Buller snow trip! super long overdue post..will post it someday when i seriously have no random stuffs to share!

Made curry laksa yesterday for my floormate and i ! it was really good..
i wish i can cook for my family and friends when i go back to malaysia!

不要用那种‘你会煮饭meh’ 的表情看我。。我可是做菜做了快9个月的哦!给我点信任嘛!(pardon me for being defensive again..)

Spring is here! it's so warm outside..everyone is thrilled over it but me...i prefer the super chilly winter!

But it's definitely mood-lifting to see all these colourful flowers on the way to uni!

had my favourite small cappuccino with 2 sugars while chillaxing by the lake..
p/s: phyllis, the lengzai made my coffee today!!!

went to Preston market to do the groceries with phyllis, marian and mirosha last saturday and it was fun! with lotsa crazy moments and lotsa fun! it was super warm (24 degree celcius) that day and i didn't like it...wondering how i'm going to survive the summer..or probably i'll get used to it soon? hopefully.
we saw this freakish leaf-looking creature on mirosha's totally freaked me out when it stopped on my hand! and they actually call this thing "EvyLeafyGreeny"...
worst of all it actually followed us into the tram! Throughout the whole journey i just kept staring at it..

Oh and i saw this really cutely trimmed plants on my way to the tram stop! To think they actually pasted fake eyes on them to make them looking like animals!

saw this in FOCUS house...HEAPS AND HEAPS of carrots and onions...

i was bored during ESL seminar...hee..

end of my random's time to do my work now!!!

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