Monday, July 26, 2010




希望再一次看到你的时候 我可以给你最真心最开心的微笑。

我们很幸福 只因为我们是神的孩子 :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

just trying to conclude what i've done throughout this winter break:

- i made egg tarts :)
- Learned Australian Sign Language
- went to Mornington!!!
- played Plant vs Zombies (omgosh the best game i've had for this year)
- went to Vic Market with Feilis
- watched Toy Story 3 with Feilis! so good!
- went to a really awesome japanese restaurant --Sushi Masa
- cooked seafood marinara for the first time with my dear Feilis
- read (still reading) 白先勇's 《台北人》 -- love it so far :)
- I watched Beauty and the Beastttt!! can't believe i have never watched this disney cartoon before! but it was sooo good~~

- served in Bundy worship team, i really love my team :)
- i went to DFO and had SZE CHUAN FOOD with yeh ling and waiyee!! what an experience!!

- winter break sleepover with Cham, Mirosha and Marian! made lots of yummy food together :D

- met up with SSI-ians!! did a lot of things with them -- nasi lemak house, docklands, st kilda, freddo's and mercadante! woooohh

i guess that's it, i might have missed some details but yay by listing them out i realized my winter break is pretty fruitful! God is goooooood :D

hmmm it's time to 收心 already, school's starting next week T.T

Friday, July 16, 2010

winter break happenings

今天打中文好了,反正有时间慢慢打 :)



无心插柳柳成荫就是这个意思 :P 我每次去medion家都会觉得这株植物非常的壮观!

超级喜欢澳洲的天空。。。以前小学的时候写作文,常常都会提到“万里无云”,却不知道是怎样的。。。不过在这里,天气好的时候,天空就会很蓝 (照片没有edit过哦),而且一点云都没有! 看到这样的天空心情也会好起来 :)

家外面给小孩荡的秋千。。我也很喜欢荡 :) 屁股还fit得下..

星期四的时候我做了蛋挞!!我自己也很难相信自己真的做出了蛋挞。。。感谢internet的recipe :)

是长得很cacat没有错,可是。。。味道真的不错 :) 不过改次我会买现成pastry了,比较省时省力。

最近发现到很久没有用的software--poladroid,用它来edit我很喜欢的一张照片 :)

highlight of the week --- mornington road trip!

我,medion,minyi 和 sueling 租了一辆车,然后就靠着GPS mornington走透透!

真的要很感谢minyi 和sueling 驾了2个小时多的车!

Murrays lookout -- 已经在半山腰了,我们一看到这样的风景就快快下车,非常兴奋


arthur's seat :)

Ashcombe Maze,是一个有几个迷宫的地方,还有很漂亮的薰衣草花园

在maze里面,由于前一天下过雨,好多好多滩水,总是要跳来跳去像super mario那样,有点小麻烦


那里有个很漂亮的湖 :) 还有好多好多照片在facebook,大家可以去看看哦 :)

rose maze - 由于不是玫瑰盛开的季节,感觉有一点点凄凉。。。不过还是看到几朵很漂亮的玫瑰花。。可以想象春天的时候会有多么漂亮

好多刺 0.0


lavender garden!!

颜色超鲜艳,上帝创造的真的是让人很惊叹 :)

然后饿扁的我们到了一间叫Flinders Fish and Chip Shop的小店吃午餐...

原来他们有上过 The Age Newspaper的(刚刚偶然google的时候找到的)!好厉害!当时有眼不识泰山呀~~

我在澳洲的第一份fish n' chips!! 大家常说,来到澳洲一定要吃fish n' chips,我来了1年半都没有吃到。。。结果没想到这间的真的很好吃!


有注意到fish和chips的比例吧。。。。其实真的是吃不完这些chips,太多太多了 >< 不过那个chips非常好吃,炸得刚刚好 =)

flinders fish n chips shop 声称制作全世界最大的vanilla slice :) 我们点了一小块(其实是很大)来试试看,真的很不错呢!

point nepean..喜欢没有人的海滩,而且非常宁静(和干净!)

beach house
天黑的时候,我们去了peninsula hot spring泡温泉!!


由于身材不是很好的缘故,没有拍照下来 :P (haha 其实是因为不想要让相机冒着跌下水的危险啦)



Saturday, July 3, 2010

Awesome winter break - SSI gathering!

too much to blog! hahaha

we finally had our very first SSI gathering in Melbourne! a great day out with shyue shyan, yan jun, and sharidan who's now studying in UNSW n came here for holiday!
had lunch at nasi lemak house :)
sharidan's very spicy char kuay teow

my nasi lemak nyonya! it was yummy! (and really authentic!!)

i look the best when i pose with my food

sharidan and yan jun

on the way to carlton park

i find this signboard really pretty, not like malaysia's, square and boring :P

shyue shyan and yan jun at carlton park :)

yan jun and i! love this photo so much that it's now my display pic :D

at the tram we went to docklands!

posed with the docklands statue..i did this too when i came here with papa mama and uncle hocklye!

the butt looking thing at the harbour

and we took a tram back to the city and took a stroll outside melbourne gaol

Freddo's gelato! i proudly proclaim that pandan coconut is my favourite flavour among all!

took another tram to st kilda beach to watch the sunset..
saw many people filming at st kilda beach!
and we walked a bit further to watch penguins! we didn't expect ourselves to see three penguins there! wonderful experience to watch the female penguins waiting for the males to come back
can you spot the penguin?? (photo credits to shyue shyan)

took a tram back to the city and we went to mercadante!!
i've been here for so many times already and they have never failed to satisfy my tummy and tastebuds!

chocolate pizza :D

the huge seafood pizza :)
i was still a litttttle bit hungry after that, so we went to have lord of the fries! woohoo :)
look at the amount of fries they have!

it was an absolutely wonderful day with them, i can't believe i did so many stuffs in the city on that day! yayyyy

previous post : Awesome winter break - the sleepover!

Awesome winter break - the sleepover!

Phyllis made muffins for Andrew on Friday morning..

and she didn't 重色轻友 coz she made for us too!

this is my muffin!

i ain't fat

feilis and the milo yoghurt mirosha brought for us! it's so nice :)

da guests

cham and miru

i went back to my room for a while and when i came back to the kitchen i was like :"oh my gosh what are you doing mirosha?!"
she loves my bono so much that she carries him everywhere, even when we were making the batik cake.. it'd be great if she moves in to our flat coz she'll be able to see bono everyday!

awesome shot taken by phyllis..hope jason won't get jealous after seeing this!

and we made lots of yummy (and probably unhealthy) food for breakfast!

#1 banana pancakes!

#2 Batik cake! i haven't heard of this name until marian told me about it! and the cake was yummy :)

last but not least, the yummmmmyyyyy baked-egg muffins! i love it so much, and it's so easy to make! go and try it!

so beautiful

had so much fun with them around, we chatted so much and we had loads of fun baking and cooking :) should organise more sleepovers next time!