Wednesday, December 9, 2009


okay la so now i'm back in malaysia already. soooo bored! at first i wanted to get a job (hotel pianist if possible) but i had pretty bad stomach flu since sunday, but thank God i think i've recovered.

hmm however i'm not sure if i really have the time to get a job, indeed i'm pretty free at the moment, but not for the next couple of weeks coz

1) going to singapore to watch Bodyworlds!
2) driving lessons!
3) i guess i have to practice some songs before now serving in my home church before i go back to melbourne

4) meet up with connie

hmm but what am i doing during this 'waiting period'?

1) doing house chores (wash the dishing, sweep the floor etc etc)
2) spend most of my time in front of computer
3) rotting and watching the telly

feeling a bit empty at the moment, despite having devotion every morning and read "The Cross of Christ" coz i seriously dun have anything better to occupy myself right now. hmm but my mum said:"aiyah you just came back from melbourne, give urself some time to rest and settle down first la."

i guess i just have to wait till next week and get busier and busier and busier :P

OH btw i cook for my family last night! just for one dish though :P ya it's the korean BBQ pork! seems tt everyone in my family love it very much! i'm happy :)

baski, blundy and BISKI (he changed his name already! previously known as NoName)


家里的狗真是越看越可爱 :)


LaLaLaLaLa said...

Tan E1也越看越可愛

Anonymous said...

oh Baski!!!...i miss baski. ;)
