Thursday, September 23, 2010

september happenings


it's been almost 2 weeks since i last blogged, so now i'm going to bombard this post with lots and lots of pictures and let them do all the talking

my wardrobe doesn't like me, it scratched me when i was putting my clothes back T.T

ordered some stuffs from sasa few weeks ago. my sister and i bought together in order to achieve the 75USD total purchase (can get free shipping for any purchase over 75USD!) so right after the stuffs were sent to her place, she sent my stuffs over to melb :)

sending stuffs from hobart to tasmania is pretty quick, takes about 4 working days :)

spot the little parcel behind the book! saw this when i came back from class.

yays...face wash, eye makeup remover, some serums and cream cream. can last for quite long :)
i love the feeling of expecting and receiving a parcel, happily opening it and take the goodies out one by one!!

Cadbury BrunchBar!! om nom nom goodness~~~~got 1 small packet from medion and i am totally in love with it! but aiyah must wait until got offer (he got it for $2) then only buy lah..the normal price is around $6 i guess?

last tuesday last tuesday last tuesday's weather was shuuuper good! so sunny and warm :D caught up with kate and we sat on the grass. i didn't know how much a weather can affect one's mood until i came to melbourne.
winter was obviously pretty depressing, imagine enduring the cold for 3 months! well spring is pretty cold too, but seeing the flowers blossoming and showing the vibrant colours is much better than almost flower-less winter :)

hahaha this is what i saw in the laundry area..this is probably the smallest washing machine (and hottest!) i've even seen :P

what i saw in the class. sarah definitely loves to write on her banana!

last monday i went to marian's room and saw her pink bear's new partner!
ze cute sandwich!!! currently her ipod pouch :)
pink bear bear going to feast on the sandwich :D:D:D:D


the green lizard was actually eyeing on the sandwich too!! from far behind!

"That's one small step for a man, but one giant leap for a lizard."

and so........

the pink bear got really freaked out and she pushed the poor sandwich away (who would want to eat a lizard-invaded-sandwich?)

satisfied, the lizard said :"haha, mine, ALL MINE!"

lolll that's so random of me to think of a storyline like this.

went to Sofia few days ago, yummmmeh (except the lasagna, my bad)
look at the portion!

ohh saw this downstairs of Agora Theatre!
HAHAHAHAwas praying hard for Phyllis who entered the toilet coz we didn't want her legs to get chopped off nor to get involved in human trafficking :P

the next one is really epic!

HAHAHAHAHA cannot enter this toilet ahh! or else you'll get transformed from a male into an ET!

seriously, those people have nothing else better to do, scraping the words off ah!

oh yeah oh yeah i made nasi lemak (yes, nasi lemak!) for the very first time! got the recipe from mirosha, cooked for 7 people in the mid-autumn festival dinner party
cooking the rice (when i took this photo i was like "good luck ah...can't afford to fail")
wah then thank God ah, it was yummy! they liked it :P
hiap lai made really good curry fish, i really really loveeee it!
had mooncake that night too. not a big fan of mooncake though hahaha
then while the guys talking about business and $$$ and future (those very practical stuffs) we girls went upstairs and did some hair curling and camwhore!
minyi did a pretty great job! hiap lai and her played with my hair last time but it turned out cacat, luckily this time looked more decent :D
oh yes jack sparrow is love!

but too bad johnny depp has kids already, so i could only 望梅止渴 by kissing the poster

i think...i've done a bit too much of social suicide in year 2010 o.o

when i went back to my room i went kisiao again and took more kisiao photos like....


and THIS!

hahaha i dunno what the heck i was thinking but yeahhhh i'll never make myself a 'lala' don't worry (coz im too old to be one)
makan lunch nao!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

of 40hf, hot jam donuts, flowers and hotpot dinner!


两个星期前 做了自己从来没有做过的东西 -- 40 hour famine!
对啊 跟马来西亚的《饥饿30》很不一样 (一个30一个40 当然不一样啦 废话)

除了比饥饿30多了10小时以外,最不同的是,40 hour famine你可以选择give up任何东西40个小时,如食物,电视节目,网络,talking (!),公共交通,鞋子等等 任何你日常生活依赖的东西 :P 藉此来筹款帮助世界有需要的人。

我。。。。选择give up.....

hot water and internet!!!

不能喝热水,也不能用热水洗澡(是冬天没错哦)!internet也不是完全give up,因为还要check 重要的email.

还通过world vision设立了我的个人网页,那人家就可以online donate了

很fancy looking的receipt book




这页说的是 如果你筹到了款项,可以apply for award。。。。当然,假如可以筹到$480是很好啦,可以帮助更多人。。可是。。。

在$80旁边写'primary school kids only' 让我有小小被offend到啦。。


或许是我敏感 可是我觉得有时候慈善机构太大 难免会比较商业化一些。


这个40 hour famine对我来说是个很不错的经验,让我更懂得珍惜自己拥有的资源,可是我想我可能不会再做了吧。


昨晚睡觉前和phyllis聊到传统donut vs 那种有馅料的donut

我真的超爱有馅料的donut咯!!(好想念马来西亚的J.Co 和 Dunkin' donuts,好多口味 :()



今天本来带着很重的怨气去uni (因为平时星期四都day off,不过今天要做group work所以要去uni),可是一踏进agora就马上闻到hot jam donuts的香味!!!原来原来是那个在thursday market会出现的donut车来啦!

买了2个 :D




每次在乘巴士的时候 都会看到大大的 粉红粉红的树 好像樱花!

这棵树树虽然小 可是让我能够有机会仔细看看它的花 (就可以google image对照看看到底这个是什么blossom!)

好啦我google了。。。我看到的这个跟peach blossom长得最像,所以。。可能是peach blossom吧


哦然后刚才去吃了很不错的中国火锅!!那个店的名字叫“老干妈” 呵呵

这家是viyina重点推介的火锅自助餐 :)




其他就没有拍啦。。其实我最爱的还是马来西亚的火锅。。。尤其是yummy steamboat的tomyam 锅 T.T 那种满足感真的是没话讲。

每次在korean grocery前面等巴士的时候最爱逛逛 然后买个冰淇淋来吃

上次吃了cheesecake口味的之后 就深深爱上它

就是蛋糕夹雪糕,好喜欢 :) yum yum yum

